Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Interview Exclusive: Samantha Harris of 'Dancing With the Stars'

Samantha Harris shares the secrets of her transformation into a "ballroom princess."

Busy women will get this: we have careers, homes, jobs, kids, appointments, workouts, and now...the holidays. How are we supposed to manage it all and still feel good?

Dancing With the Stars co-host Samantha Harris knows the struggle. The alpha-female who turns 36 this week holds down a gig with the number-one reality show in America and is a host and correspondent on CBS' The Insider. She's also a wife to financial wholesaler Michael Hess, as well as a mom to busy two-year-old Josselyn. For Harris to keep up her workout routine through her pregnancy was a must for her high-profile TV gig...and for her peace of mind. She now has one of the most coveted bods on TV, and when the women heard we were talking to Samantha Harris they wanted to know one thing: "How does she always look so amazing?!"

While prepping for Dancing With the Stars to go live ("I can give you a good fifteen minutes!" she said while noshing on a barbecue chicken salad in the makeup chair) Samantha Harris kindly revealed her banging body tricks (including - aha! - lots of sculpting for those killer arms).

LimeLife: Samantha, the first thing everybody wants to know about you is this: how do you maintain such awesome shape?

Samantha Harris: Oh, thank you! Basically, pre-pregnancy, I was very dedicated to my workouts anyhow -- they'd always been an important part of my life. So I was working out a solid four to six days a week for an hour a day before I had Josselyn, and I think muscle memory comes into play a lot when you're trying to get back in shape post-baby. But I think it also really helped that I the good fortune of having a very good pregnancy where I wasn't sick. I was able to maintain my workouts throughout the majority of my pregnancy. I kept up with the same activities that I was doing pre-pregnancy, just with a heart rate monitor and a slightly lower intensity under supervision of my doctor. So I felt really great and I think that really helped.

LimeLife: So then during your pregnancy, what was your attitude toward your diet?

Samantha Harris: During the pregnancy I tried not to overindulge. I think our society has taught us that we can eat for two, and I think that's an unfortunate bit of misinformation that's been passed down from generation to generation. I really maintained a similar diet to what I had pre-pregnancy. The only thing I really changed was eating within the first hour of waking up because I was always a late-morning breakfast person and I usually would go a few hours before I would actually have a meal. I think that was the biggest change as well as the occasional slight nausea I had in the first trimester.

LimeLife: Then can you share with us some of the not-so-disciplined choices you might allow yourself to make every now and again?

Samantha Harris: (laughs) I am a huge dessert fantatic, and I will eat something sweet every single day. So to me that means that I have to balance that somehow. I make choices like egg-white omelettes and lean chicken breasts and brown rice and salad with lower-calorie dressing; no cheese, no red meat. You can find your own [food habits] that you feel okay giving up.

Love it when the Dancing With the Stars stars get personal? Finalist Kym Johnson recently spoke with us about life offstage and working with Donny Osmond - check Kym out here! Plus, check back tomorrow when Samantha Harris shares a behind-the-scenes look at life when she's not in front of the Dancing With the Stars camera.

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